Thursday, 12 November 2015

NaNoWriMo Update

Hello dear readers!

As I previously mentioned, I am participating in NaNoWriMo but not formally. For me it's just about getting it done. Sitting down and writing something.

Well I am pleased to say that I have been getting stuff done. The WIP is coming along slowly. I got Book 2 back from the editor and I will be sitting down with it soon to start formatting. I'm really excited for it to come together and I cannot wait for people to read it!

It's a little bittersweet for me without my Mother here. The first time Rebirth was released (under different title etc) she got to see it, it actually came out about 6 weeks before she died. It makes my heart ache thinking about it.

But with NaNoWriMo in mind I have been more productive, which is great. I wish I could keep track of word count but since I write from my phone I haven't figured it out.....and I don't want to be consumed by word count. That's not that this is about for me.

Are you participating this year? Want to chat about it? Post your comments here or head on over to my facebook page!